How did we start with woodworking industry?

How did we start with woodworking industry?

In 1990, a furniture maker in Ankara sees a machine that produces high-tech furniture and chair parts abroad and finds us when it seeks to do so. Again after a quick work, we serve this first domestic High Frequency (H.F.) machine to the wood working industry. With the help of this technology, we heat the glue very quickly. With conventional hot presses, these works can be done in 10-15 minutes and up to certain thicknesses. This period is shortened to 1.5 minutes with HF, glued formed or flat plywood thickness can reach up to 100 - 150 mm. These machines used to be imported before, but after then we have carried out the first domestic production in Turkey. These machines, called High Frequency Generators (generators), work together with cold hydraulic presses. We have started to produce hydraulic presses suitable for this HF technique. With the introduction of our domestic production and marketing, we created demand in the domestic market. In a sense, we have made the wood sector realize that they need these machines. Especially furniture and chair manufacturers did not know this technology very well at those times. Our promotions and application workshop increased the demand for the product. We have been producing these machines since then. Turkey had the first, and in many sectors (metals, automotive, wood-furniture, textiles, chemicals and food) serving a single manufacturer. Today, we are able to compete in the best way both in terms of quality and preferability with our competitors around the world.